British Journal of Sexual Medicine - 2010

Comment: Never take your eye off the ball
Paul Woolley
pp 3-3
I well remember the horror when,at the age of 11, standing in a line with my classmates, dressed only in a vest and underpants, a rather foreboding middle-aged woman stuck her right hand down my front and fondled parts of my body that only my parents had ever seen. It was only after I went to medical school that I finally understood what had happened to me all those years ago and realised the importance of being checked for undescended testes.
Evaluation of a primary care sexual health services pilot
Eileen Bamber
pp 4-8
In 2001, The national strategy for sexual health and HIV recognised the contribution that primary care-based sexual health services could make to improving availability, quality and choice for patients.
How to deal with under-13- year-olds – six practical steps
Karen E Rogstad
pp 9-11
In England and Wales, a child under the age of 13 is deemed by law to be incapable of consenting to sexual activity; therefore, any vaginal, anal or oral penetration with them is classed as rape and is a crime. However, some young people may (or may perceive themselves to) be in a consenting relationship with a partner or have consented to a single sexual contact.
Clamelle for the treatment of chlamydia – 20 months on
Ian Small
pp 12-13
In August 2008, a medical revolution hit the high street in Britain. For the first time, an oral antibiotic was made available over the counter at community pharmacies. Although chloramphenicol drops for eye infections are commonly sold through pharmacies, at first glance this loosening of restrictions seemed perverse, given a government public health message to use antibiotics sparingly. In addition, primary care trusts (PCTs) often set challenging limits on the amount primary care clinicians can prescribe. What, then, is going on and what are the reasons behind this strange decision?
Current management options for women with HSDD
David Edwards
pp 14-17
It could be considered that, since the highly successful introduction, over ten years ago, of the phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (which have revolutionised the treatment of erectile dysfunction [ED]), there has been a gender inequality in the pharmacological options available for treating sexual dysfunction. In particular, there are gaps in our pharmacopoeic armour for treating women suffering from hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD).
New awareness campaign from the Sexual Advice Association
Janis Troup
pp 18-18
The Sexual Advice Association (previously Sexual Dysfunction Association) is committed to helping and supporting people, and partners of people, with all forms of sexual problems. It is the only national charitable organisation of its kind. Earlier this year, on 14 February, it launched its new long-term initiative, Thinking About Sex Day (TASD), and adopted its new name to further its aims with a more innovative, positive and less scientific approach.
Can you put your finger on it?
David Hicks
pp 19-19
Considering its usual sedate pace, the world of reproductive anatomy and physiology went into a flurry of activity earlier this year. While it had taken millennia to try to show that the G spot exists, suddenly, within a month, the elusive anatomical female Holy Grail was disowned by the English and defended by the French.