British Journal of Sexual Medicine - 2010

Comment: An age-old solution to an age-old problem
Paul Woolley
pp 3-3
Once again, it has been announced that England has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe. Once again, the authorities are struggling to encourage birth control among young people. In the 1990s, condoms were promoted to avoid the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), but the decline in the number of reported cases was only temporary. They do not seem to solve the teenage pregnancy problem.
How to promote long-acting reversible contraception in primary care
Eileen Bamber
pp 4-7
Five years have passed since the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) published its clinical guidelines on long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) in 2005. LARC is defined as a contraceptive method that requires administration less than once per month.
The science behind human papillomavirus vaccines: part 1
Margaret A Stanley
pp 8-11
It is sobering to reflect that, only 30 to 40 years ago, human papillomaviruses (HPVs) were thought to be a small and rather insignificant group of viruses that caused unsightly but trivial excrescences (warts) on skin and mucosal surfaces. In the subsequent three decades, there has been an explosion of knowledge about these agents, revealing them to be major human pathogens responsible globally for significant morbidity and mortality.
Case scenario: Care of victims of sexual assault
Catriona Chatfield and Bernadette Butler
pp 12-13
Mary (not her real name), an 18-year-old girl, comes to your clinic and requests emergency contraception. She is tearful and, on further questioning, she tells you that she woke up this morning naked in bed with an unknown male. She was out the night before and drank quite a lot of alcohol. Mary vaguely recollects having vaginal intercourse with someone, but she does not know whether anything else happened. She does not want to involve the police.
Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: an overview
Roger Gadsby
pp 14-15
Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) occurs in around 80% of pregnant women, and around one in 100 has such severe symptoms that admission to hospital is required – NVP is then termed hyperemesis gravidarum (HG). The condition is underappreciated and under-researched.
The decreased sexual desire screener: a useful tool for GPs
David Edwards
pp 16-18
In a previous article on the management options for women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), I touched upon the gender inequality in the pharmacological options available for treating sexual dysfunction. One factor in the successful management of male erectile dysfunction (ED) is the screening involved in diagnosing and monitoring the condition.
Tactical error in defence?
John Hicks
pp 19-19
Less obtrusive than a vuvuzela, but certainly more incisive than England’s football team, is the new female condom distributed during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. On its internal surface, it has jagged hooks that latch on to a man’s penis during penetration. Called Rape-aXe®, it is designed to act as a deterrent.