Thrombus - 2002

Organised inpatient care for acute stroke
James Kelly and Anthony Rudd
pp 4-4
Despite being the third most common cause of death and the most frequent cause of severe disability in the developed world, there have been relatively few advances in acute management of stroke in recent years, unlike in acute myocardial infarction. The demonstration that inpatient management on a stroke unit improves outcomes compared to usual ward care is arguably the most significant of these advances in terms of absolute reductions of morbidity and mortality in the greatest number of patients.
Comment: What do readers want?
Peter Rose
pp 2-2
Thrombus is now in its sixth year and at the recent Editorial Board meeting the future focus of the publication was discussed. Currently, the circulation is to haematologists, chest physicians, cardiologists and practices in primary care known to have an interest in anticoagulant management. The circulation also includes members of the Clinical Leaders of Thrombosis (CLOT), with its large membership of anticoagulant/DVT nurse specialists and pharmacists.
The management of thrombocytopenia in pregnancy
Adrian Copplestone
pp 5-7
Maternal thrombocytopenia is not uncommon during pregnancy. The benign nature of gestational thrombocytopenia has now been recognised, but this means there is a risk that the more serious causes of thrombocytopenia are overlooked. This article addresses the practical management of maternal thrombocytopenia. It does not address the question of fetal or neonatal thrombocytopenia. (In neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, the maternal platelet count is normal.)
Managing retinal vein thrombosis: a visionary approach
Denise O'Shaughnessy and Iain Chisholm
pp 8-9
Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) is a relatively common retinal vascular disorder that is second only to diabetic retinopathy as a cause of visual loss. There are two forms – branch occlusion and central vein occlusion (CVO) – and these differ in many respects. Branch retinal vein occlusions (BRVOs) are by far the most common cause of retinal vascular occlusive disease in males and females alike. The highest rate of occurrence is in individuals in their 60s and 70s, although younger patients can also be affected.
Talking to your patients about thrombophilia
Caroline Baglin
pp 10-11
This article is designed to help you explain the basics of thrombophilia and thrombophilia testing to your patients. There is no international definition of thrombophilia, but the consensus of a group of international experts1 describes inherited thrombophilia as a genetically determined tendency to venous thromboembolism – commonly explained as an increased tendency for blood to clot when it is not supposed to. Thrombophilia is often classified into either acquired thrombophilia or heritable thrombophilia.