Thrombus - 2010

Current guidelines on lupus anticoagulant screening
Ian Jennings
pp 1-4
Guidelines on lupus anticoagulant (LA) screening or testing have been regularly published for over 25 years. Thrombus 14.2 reviewed the history of LA guidelines, and this article summarises the recommendations in the latest guidelines, which were published in the Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis in October 2009.
Comment: More on superficial vein thrombosis
Peter Rose
pp 2-2
In recent issues we have published reviews about the management of superficial thrombophlebitis and the value of anticoagulant therapy. The dilemma is illustrated by the fact that the same data can be argued to show both benefit and lack of efficacy for anticoagulant therapy.
Monitoring new anticoagulants
Patrick Kesteven and Steve Kitchen
pp 5-6
When testing for an anticoagulant effect, a distinction needs to be made between measuring and monitoring. Measuring an anticoagulant is when we attempt to determine if any anticoagulant is present in the patient’s plasma. This is an essential requisite in haemorrhagic emergencies, when determining if invasive procedures are safe, or when there is concern that the drug may be accumulating in cases with deteriorating renal function. Monitoring, however, refers to the act of determining if blood levels are therapeutic, a much more difficult and, to some, contentious endeavour.
Comparison of Canadian and UK anticoagulation and thrombosis services
Davina Gallagher
pp 7-10
Davina Gallagher has spent the last ten years working as a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) in Anticoagulation and Thrombosis managing nurse-led services in primary and secondary care, and acting as a consultant for GPs regarding anticoagulation and service delivery. She has also worked as a trainer and educator for practice nurses, rising to the challenge of running nurse-led anticoagulant clinics in primary care, as well as the usual clinical and managerial aspects of the role of the CNS. Below is Davina’s personal account of her experience working in Canada, and a comparison of how their thrombosis services compare with the UK.
The NVTH/BSHT joint symposium 2010
Caroline Baglin
pp 10-10
The Nederlandse Vereniging voor Trombose en Hemostase (NVTH) and the British Society for Haemostasis and Thrombosis (BSHT) held a joint meeting in Noordwijkerhout in the Netherlands in June 2010. The meeting was opened by Fritz Rosendal, Chairman of the NVTH and Trevor Baglin, President of the BSHT. The aim of the meeting was to strengthen links between the two societies and to give their staff the opportunity to present their research and clinical findings.
A guide to bridging anticoagulation
Mohamed M Khan and Henry G Watson
pp 11-12
The management of perioperative anticoagulation in patients on vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) is a problem frequently encountered in clinical practice. When considering perioperative anticoagulation strategies in patients receiving oral anticoagulants, clinicians need to weigh up the risk of bridging therapy-associated bleeding against the risk of thrombosis associated with the temporary discontinuation of treatment. To allow appropriate clinical decisionmaking, both patient-specific and procedure-specific risk need to be considered.
Management of superficial venous thrombophlebitis: the case for LMWH
Anne Kelly
pp 14-15
Superficial venous thrombophlebitis (SVT) is a common condition that generally presents in the primary care setting. Incidence is said to be higher than that of venous thrombosis, which is quoted as approximately one per 1,000. A typical patient presents with pain over the site of a prominent superficial vein and associated erythema. The commonest site for SVT is the lower limb (usually the long saphenous vein); however, it can also occur in the upper limb and neck.